Able to respond independently in an emergency.
Able to negotiate stairs in an emergency and
exit the building.
ADL - resident is able to accomplish all without
intervention from staff.
1. Bathe, dress, groom
2. Transfer & Ambulate
3. Toileting and personal hygiene
4. Eat/take medications
Able to communicate with clarity.
No personal care assistance or monitoring.
Provided if chosen .
Would benefit from socialization and activities
with minor encouragement.
No memory impairment.
Capacity for decision making and understanding
consequences of actions.
Able to respond in an emergency.
Walks/transfers independently - Infrequent
ADL - Independent to verbal reminders.
Independent with medications & Dr. appointments.
Continent of bowel and bladder.
Independent in bathing.
Meals, nutrition, housekeeping assistance is
Able to independently plan and participate in
social activities.
Oriented to self.
Little memory impairment.
Some decline in capacity for self care and
understanding consequences of actions. |
May need assistance in an emergency.
Transfers - Standby assistance may be needed.
Subject to falls.
ADL - Reminders to giving verbal cues.
Medication reminders and management.
Occasional incontinence assistance.
Bathing set up and monitoring.
Meals, nutrition, housekeeping assistance is
Reminders and encouragement to participate in
Mild memory impairment - sometimes disoriented.
Declining capacity for self care and
understanding consequences of actions. |
Needs assistance in an emergency.
Transfers - 1 person assist usually needed. Fall
ADL - Verbal cues and/or hands-on assist.
Medication management.
Incontinence management.
Bathing assistance.
Meals, nutrition, and housekeeping assistance
Encourage and escort to participate in
Impaired memory. Poor orientation and mild
Limited capacity and inability to understand
Limited capacity and inability to understand
consequences of actions. |
Needs supervision and hands-on assistance in an
Transfers - 2 person assist may be
needed/Mechanical lift/bedfast.
ADL - Hands-on assistance.
Medication adjustments and behavior management.
Incontinence management.
Bathing assistance.
Verbal cues and hands-on assistance to eat.
Encourage and escort to activities.
Needs 24 hour nursing supervision or skilled
services such as Physical, Occupational and/or
Speech therapy.
Limited or no capacity for self care and
understanding of consequences of actions. |