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“Tools for Choices”
By Wendy Simons

   At some point in time, each of us may encounter the need to tour and select a facility for a loved one.  The variety of choices are dictated by the needs of the individual, but usually include: A Retirement Community (more independent living with lodging and meals), an Assisted Living Facility (provides lodging and supportive services), a smaller Residential Care Facility (usually 10 or fewer residents in a home) , a Home for Individual Residential Care ( only two residents in a home)  or a Skilled Nursing Facility (where more medical needs are met).

...I thought it might be helpful to provide a check list for use in evaluating each facility as you embark on your selection process:

As you arrive, do you like the location and outward appearance?

Yes___ No___

As you enter the residence, is the décor attractive and homelike?

Yes___ No___

Is the residence odor free?

Yes___ No___

Did you receive a warm greeting from staff welcoming you?

Yes___ No___

Does the staff call the resident’s by name and interact warmly?

Yes___ No___

Do the residents socialize with each other and appear happy and comfortable?

Yes___ No___

Are you able to talk with residents about how they like staff and the residence?

Yes___ No___

Do the residents seem to be appropriate housemates for your loved one?

Yes___ No___

Is staff appropriately dressed, personable and outgoing?

Yes___ No___

Do the staff members treat each other cordially and with respect and professionally?

Yes___ No___

Are staff members you pass during your visit friendly toward you?

Yes___ No___

Is the person giving the tour knowledgeable about seniors?

Yes___ No___

Did you see any meals or review any menus? Did they look appropriate?

Yes___ No___

Did you see any activities or review an activity calendar?

Yes___ No___

Did the tour guide give you any history of the facility and its mission?

Yes___ No___

Is the residence well designed for your family members needs?

Yes___ No___

Are the carpets clean of debris and soiled areas?

Yes___ No___

Is the vinyl or tile in the bathrooms in good repair and clean?

Yes___ No___

Does the furniture look well maintained?

Yes___ No___

Does the paint appear to be well maintained on doors, walls, halls and rooms?

Yes___ No___

Are the resident’s bathrooms clean and odor free?

Yes___ No___

Do you see laundry build up and full trash receptacles?

Yes___ No___

Are the resident rooms clean and beds neatly made?

Yes___ No___

Are the plants or flowers in rooms watered and healthy?

Yes___ No___

Is the temperature of the residence comfortable?

Yes___ No___

Is the lighting adequate and appropriate?

Yes___ No___

Does this appear to be a comfortable place for your family member?

Yes___ No___

Were all amenities and services explained clearly?

Yes___ No___

Were all fees and charges clearly explained?

Yes___ No___

Were all your questions answered appropriately?


Is your overall impression:  

Outstanding ___ Very Good ___ Good ___ Fair___ Poor___



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