Wendy Simons was literally born and reared in the “old
folks home”. Her family opened the first senior care
facility in Nevada in 1948. A second generation assisted
living provider, she served as an active
administrator/owner for over 35 years. As a
result of her passion for seniors, preserving their
dignity and independence through their last chapter of
life, she designed and built a prototype assisted living
facility in 1992 and operated it until 2007. She has
been deemed the "guru of assisted living” by many of her
furthered her knowledge base by joining the Nevada State
Health Division in 2010, serving as Chief of the state
regulatory agency for all medical and other related
facilities under the NRS 449 Statutes, for 2 � years.
Through working with multiple state agencies and the
Federal CMS Survey and Certification Region IX
authority, she expanded the effort for quality
improvement in facilities by building provider relations
groups, advisory councils and multiagency collaborative
Nevada Geriatric Education Center for
University of Nevada Medical School, Advisory Board and
Program Presenter.
Nevada Health Care Association Annual
Conference - Presenter.
Nevada Aging and Disability Services
Division - Presenter.
Nevada Board of Examiners for Long Term
Care Administrators- Presenter.
Alzheimer’s Association of Northern Nevada
- Presenter.
Commission on Aging, State of Nevada -
Past member.
Board of Examiner’s for Long Term Care
Administrators, Administrator AIT Training Program
Facilitator. (Past) Current Licensed Administrator
Assisted Living Advisory Council, Nevada
State Health Division.- Past Chairman.
Senior Coalition of Nevada.
Marketer’s Exchange of Northern Nevada.
Rotary Club of Reno.- Past Member.
University of Nevada Reno Sanford Center
for Aging, Emeritus.
California Association of Long-term Care
Medicine – Presenter.
American Geriatrics Society – Presenter.
Assisted Living Federation of America-
Founding Member and Presenter.
Reno Rodeo Association Member.
Contact Wendy.